Monday, 9 May 2016

Salesforce Implementation and Billing System

§  A Leading UK Based Publishing House


§  Client wanted to track different journals published and also wanted to record invoicing, billing, payments etc.

§  Client needed some interface to track their customer agents.

§  Management was facing problems while generating reports for various business purposes.
   The Solution:

§  Salesforce Implementation for managing different journals published by the publishing house. This was built with Salesforce as the system of records for all the customer data and Zuora for backend operations like subscriptions, billing, invoicing, payments processing etc.

§  Standard as well as custom objects were used to build the system.

§  Lots of custom web service based integration points between Salesforce, Zuora and Payment gateway.

§  Custom Pages were build using Salesforce Sites to capture payment information from the E commerce website of the customer.


§  An integrated up-to-date CRM and Subscription economy system closely integrated to give 360 degree view to the customer agents.

§  Ability to add multiple business processes into the system for better flexibility and customer retention.

§  Better reporting and visibility for the Senior Management.

§  On the fly addition of products, rate plans, discounts and payment methods was made possible now.